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Brown Council's 'six minute soul mate'

SYDNEY - 302 Cleveland St, Surry Hills

Sat Feb 14 @ 9pm

Sun - Mon Feb 15-16 @ 5pm & 9pm

Six Minute Soul Mate is a performance work by the artistic collaboration Brown Council that explores the nature of love and romance within a contemporary quick fix culture. Short performative vignettes are spun into an absurd conveyer belt of images that spiral out of control like a barn dance doped up on cocaine.
Utilising the structure of a real speed-dating night, Brown Council examines modern modes of courtship and investigates how it is that we attempt to perform intimacy in a society obsessed with speed. The audience will find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of speed-dates, clichés and conventions of romance, desire and love, all played out and repeated like an old broken record.

Brown Council are Kelly Doley, Kate Blackmore, Fran Barrett and Diana Smith and have been working collaboratively since they met at the College of Fine Arts in Sydney in 2004. Brown Council make performance and video works that appropriate, imitate and remix a range of disparate images and ideas from popular culture, cinema, video clips and television. Through this cut and paste application as well as an overt theatricality and costuming they subvert and challenge dominant gender stereotypes and interrogate how it is that we should perform.

Nominee, Best New Artist, SMAC Awards, 2008

“A sardonic dissection of the human need for companionship… a sadomasochistic pleasure” Real Time

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